How Restarts and Rejection Make For A Great Real Estate Experience

on cruise

My journey of possessing a very unique personality trait of keeping focus while facing stressful and uncertain times began at a young age.

I am about to be 100% transparent with you.

I feel it is important that I begin with my youth and move to the present.

Understanding that life experiences and pains are truly blessings.

That is extremely important for me to optimize the present.

I would not give in to FEAR.

I would not be afraid TO EXPLORE THE UNKNOWN.

I determined that the FUTURE would be exciting and full of fulfillment for myself AND others.

My instincts turned out to be right.

I learned I have NOTHING to fear. I am able to control my future even without knowing ALL THE DETAILS of what lies ahead.

Restarting my life several times allows me to understand the stress involved buying or selling a house!

RELOCATION, DOWNSIZING, OR UPSIZING brings other dynamics into the family; however, it offers such an exciting times for a family.


I grew up in a great home with one younger sister and one older sister. My mother and father were raised in farming families and learned the importance of a strong work ethic and the reality of circumstances outside of your control influencing life.

I learned values from my parents. My father put in countless hours at work, building a business and providing a safe home for his family.

My mother was a stay at home mother making sure we all took part in chores, getting homework done, and encouraging all of us to always DO OUR BEST.

Both parents devoted themselves to community involvement in a totally unselfish way, making sure that their lives impacted others in a positive way.

Family vacations were a highlight for all of us. I believe my parents understood that while life was hectic and quality family time was perhaps limited, they understood having quality family vacations were important.

FIRST JOB (chore)


My father had great pride in our lawn and garden area. I think it was one of his stress relievers in life. When it came my time to take over mowing the lawn for him, there were specific guidelines for me to follow. My desire to make sure I did it right did not come from any threats or fear of retribution, but from a desire to make him proud of me.

That was the beginning of mowing lawns for elderly friends and neighbors who needed someone to mow grass during the summer months by someone trustworthy AND that would do a good job.


dirty jobs

When I reached high school, I guess my father decided it was time to put my character to the test and he hired me to work for him at his lumber company. For 6 days a week he had me do the dirtiest, hottest, and the worse jobs available.

I was determined to prove to my coworkers that when you face what seems to be the worse situation, survival is not only possible, but also can prove to be a transforming and rewarding time of life.

I remember coworkers commenting on my positive attitude appreciating the help that I gave them.


Graduating college, newly married, and restarting my life seemed like a dream come true.

While a few opportunities came my way, the offer from my father to become a part of the family business seemed like an exciting offer to accept and to start a family with.

Just as my father and mother did, I had the privilege to serve as a board member of numerous community organizations that help people transform their lives through education, mentoring programs, and hard work.

Personally helping the less fortunate taught me lessons of struggle and despair. Their stories will always be a reminder of RESTARTING A LIFE.

Everything worked….for awhile. My wife and I enjoyed creating the all American family with 3 great children, a great house (we actually did much of the work ourselves), private school, and a church family.

With the big warehouse stores moving into the market, my partners and I were forced to close the family business. Not a fun day having to announce the news to all of our employees.


Time to RESTART, but what? This business was all I knew!



I came upon a franchising opportunity of developing a home inspection business but I needed startup money. Bank after bank rejected my request for what I thought was a great opportunity in a growing market. Following my heart, my wife and I decided to liquidate our only asset in order to pursue our new dream.

What usually takes a new start-up business 2 or three years to recover start-up costs, we did in 4 months and learned the benefits of RESTARTING LIFE was all about.

I was able to go from helping families build their dream houses to helping families buy dream houses.

We have found our dream business and we went from 1 office to 13 offices in a very short period of time.

Everything worked…..for awhile.

Then the housing market crashed and so did our dream business.


Time to RESTART, but what?


I was fortunate to have good friends give my name to someone who COMPLETELY turned our lives around forever.

I found myself traveling the United States 42 weeks out of the year consulting in real estate, a completely different business that I was accustom to. Talk about a steep learning curve! Solving problems people had in their lives and relieving them of stressful situations and saving family relationships.


me and beth on beach


42 weeks is to too much time away from family at this point in my life. Time to put my perspective and abilities to work at closer to home. Grandchildren were on the horizon and I wasn’t missing out on any of that.

My unique perspective as it relates to real estate was my answer to “WHY DID I HAVE ALL OF THE RESTARTS TO MY LIFE?”

Taking my past experiences and combining those experiences with technology, support groups, studying the local waterways, and mentors, I provide real estate solutions to all groups.

Meeting a single mom that had been forced out of her apartment with 3 kids due to a flood and helping her get financed to buy her own home to raise her children in was truly a rewarding experience.

Another family was desperately trying to downsize but had been unsuccessful in selling their home. After 2 years and multiple agents had failed to bring even one offer, I was asked to step in and help. Seeing my clients moved to tears after lengthy negotiations that resulted in the sale of their house as why I love what I do for people and families.

Not only could I play a part in selling their home, I was privileged to find them their next dream home. Seeing them so excited over picking out bedrooms for everyone, where to place their furniture, and yes, where will the dog sleep.

Just because you may find yourself in a difficult or stressful circumstance, does not mean there can’t be a great and happy ending.

Surrounding yourself with positive people who have the ability to move families through stressful times is so important to me.

Helping people find a solution to spending more quality time with family and reducing the painful stress of buying or selling their house is a rewarding place for me to be.

Enjoying the process, rather than dreading the process is my personal reward.

Making new friends, forging new relationships, and helping people live a more satisfying life are what make my life incredibly rewarding.

Take the first step in a new chapter in life by calling or emailing me today. Let me help you and your family restart and overcome any fear of moving that you might have.

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